Individual Signatories

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Below are the individuals who have signed on to support our declaration for a people-centred and holistic healthcare.

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Individual signatories

Number of individual signatories to-date: 8339
Belgium Jan Verhoeven Patient Belgium Healthcare decisions should be in the hands of patients. Healthcare should be holistic and span the several views and practices about it.
Netherlands Emilie Krol Other Netherlands I support holistic health care.
Hungary Júlia Ábrahám Educator Fitness Akadémia Hungary
Brazil Reginaldo Silva Filho Practitioner - Medical doctor Faculdade EBRAMEC Brazil
Netherlands Ineke Peeters Other Netherlands
Colombia Uriel Ignacio Espitia Vásquez Researcher Red de Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementarias e Integrativas de las Américas ( Red MTCI Américas) Colombia
Netherlands Daan Schutz Patient Netherlands
Netherlands Mirthe Hendriks Affiliation Netherlands
Brazil LUIS ARAGON Practitioner - Medical doctor Brazil
Netherlands Aida Ceric Affiliation Netherlands
United States of America Heather Carrie Other Food as Medicine Global United States of America
Brazil Rita de Cassia Lopes Rossini Rahme Practitioner - Medical doctor Jardim Petrópolis Brazil
United States of America Carol Petherbridge Practitioner - Medical doctor Freedom Regenerative Medicine United States of America
Netherlands Ludo Rohlfs Affiliation Netherlands
Netherlands Kim Rohlfs-Langer Patient Netherlands
Netherlands Michiel Burink Patient Dutch Ministry of Finance Netherlands as a patient with different allergies and health problems thatt could not be solved by the regular health industry, I discovered the holistic healthcare. Within 2 years of theathment by holistic healthcare all my allergies dissappeared and am top fit now. This is also shown and proven by recent blood tests.
Belgium Kathleen Rasschaert Patient Rustpunt Belgium Iedereen heeft het recht om een behandelmethode te kiezen waar hij zich goed bij voelt. Ik kies weloverwogen voor een natuurlijke manier
Netherlands Judith Buurmans Other Netherlands
Netherlands Heinz Oberdorfer Patient Netherlands this is exactly what we need to cure everything reasonably instead of only scratch on the surface!
Netherlands J Oberdorfer Affiliation Netherlands
Netherlands Lonneke Offenberg Patient Netherlands All good luck!
Netherlands Liselotte De vries Patient Netherlands
Switzerland Gerald Häfner Researcher Goetheanum Switzerland
Brazil Carolina Cirne Practitioner - Medical doctor CABSIM Brazil
Brazil Diéssica Piexak Researcher Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) Brazil
United Kingdom Claire Campbell Patient United Kingdom
Netherlands Nico Knook Affiliation Netherlands
Australia Tobey-Ann Pinder Other World Naturopathic Federation Australia
United Kingdom Anne Aylor Other United Kingdom
Brazil Francisco Troccoli Government Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo - Brasil Brazil
Ireland Judith Ashton Affiliation Irish Association of Massage Therapists Ireland This is an excellent initiative and let's watch this space.
United Kingdom Scott Bridges Practitioner - Medical doctor Scott Bridges Integrated Acupuncture Physician United Kingdom
Netherlands Marianne Goossens Patient . Netherlands
Brazil Kellen Miranda Sá Government Universidade Federal do Ceará Brazil A prática em saúde deve contemplar todos os aspectos da pessoa humana. Não há como haver saúde, pensar saúde, pensar em cura sem analisar a pessoa em toda a sua complexidade.
Brazil RICARDO PEREZ JANNUZZI Practitioner - Medical doctor Brazil
India Veera Panch Practitioner - Medical doctor India
Brazil Maria Letícia Durão Educator Brazil
United States of America Melody Van Hoose Practitioner - Medical doctor United States of America
Belgium Els Vanthuyne Practitioner - Medical doctor Belgium People should have the choice to use an alternative or a classical approach!
Brazil Ana Claudia de Souza Leite Educator State of Ceará University Brazil
Australia Phyllis Menos Other Australia
Netherlands Monique Daalhuijsen Patient Netherlands
Brazil Lidiane Cardoso de Souza Educator SPDM Brazil
Netherlands Anna Werners Patient Netherlands
Italy Silvia Locat Patient Italy
Netherlands Nico Van Koerten Affiliation Netherlands
Netherlands corinne wisboom Patient Netherlands
Netherlands Grace Blackman Affiliation Netherlands
Netherlands Lotte Kanninga Patient Netherlands
Netherlands F Wolthuis Patient Netherlands
Netherlands Rolf Zeldenthuis Patient BeeldwerkRZ Netherlands
Netherlands Ine Steur Patient Netherlands
Brazil Ana Bezerra Other Public servant in health Brazil
Brazil patricia oliveira Other sesc Brazil Apoio a construção da política que valoriza a sabedoria popular dos povos originários e legitima as práticas de cuidados em saúde como complementares a outras terapêuticas para a melhoria da saude e bem-estar dos individuos
Turkey Ali Timucin Atayoglu Practitioner - Medical doctor TURKISH APITHERAPY ASSOCIATION Turkey
Brazil Luis da Silva Other Autonomous Professional Brazil
Italy Melania Cameli Other Cameli Melania Italy
Netherlands Anna Stark Affiliation Me Netherlands HOLISTIC FOR THE WIIINNN!!!! I WILL PRAY SCREAM AND DANCE FOR YOU!!!
United States of America Susan Guida Practitioner - Medical doctor United States of America
Brazil Rosilda Veríssimo Silva Educator Brazil
Brazil Teila Ceolin Educator Universidade Federal de Pelotas Brazil
Brazil rosangela petroni dardis bueno rezende Practitioner - Medical doctor registro brasileiro dos osteopatas Brazil
Netherlands Mary de Munck Mortier Patient Vrije school Michael Bussum Netherlands
Brazil Vera Neumann Educator Conselho regional de Enfermagem/MG Brazil
Brazil CECILIA DE SOUZA Researcher UFMG Brazil Gostaria de trabalhar em algum projeto de pra´ticas integrativas na Universidade, ensinando e aplicando em pacientes.
Belgium Jolanda GGrootendorst Other Belgium Country:The Netherlands
Germany Anne Christine Howard Patient Germany I and my family, both my parents, and my 6 children and my 9 grandchildren have been raised and treated with primarily homeopathic and natural medicines, with very limited need for allopathic medicine (for instance, it was needed in emergencies (car accident/broken bone/etc.) - everything else, both minor and major, were treated naturally. Always accompanied by good healthy food and a happy environment. Natural treatments are not only excellent for people but for the environment and nature. THIS Is the WAY TO GO into the future.
Brazil Elaine Cristina Dos Santos Educator Brazil Member of CABSIN - Brazil
Brazil Camila Aparecida Teixeira Paes Other Farmácia Brazil
Brazil Izabel Cristina Rodrigues Other Brazil Parabéns pela iniciativa tão necesária!
Spain César Pérez Practitioner - Medical doctor Natusalus Spain
Brazil Môyra Romero Practitioner - Medical doctor Brazil
Brazil Vânia Enedina Domingos Martinez Other Cruzeiro do Sul Brazil
Netherlands Janco Volk Practitioner - Medical doctor Rolfing Amsterdam Netherlands
Brazil Kólia Gomes Practitioner - Medical doctor Brazil
Belgium Katelijn Vanhoutte Patient Belgium
Brazil Iara Cristina Scomparim Practitioner - Medical doctor Brazil
Brazil Bruno Benites Practitioner - Medical doctor University of Campinas Brazil
Brazil Marcos Paulo Carlito Educator Saúde para todos Brasil Brazil Apoianado a saúde integrativa e complementar como um direito humano!
Brazil Lara Meira Practitioner - Medical doctor CABSIN Brazil
Brazil Rachel Castilho Researcher Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil
Brazil Valéria Souza de Oliveira Other UNICSUL Brazil
Brazil OSMAR FECCI JUNIOR Other Brazil
Brazil João Eduardo de Araujo Researcher Medicine School of University of São Paulo-USP, Brazil
Brazil Alfredo Neto Educator UnB Brazil
Brazil ilda Costantin Researcher UFU Brazil Importante inciativa.
Brazil Leticia Borges de Assis Educator Alamanda Vida Natural Brazil
Brazil Rita Floriani Affiliation Brazil
Brazil giovanna daniel dal toe Practitioner - Medical doctor prefeitura municipal de Meleiro - SC - BR Brazil
Netherlands Helmie Koekkoek Affiliation Netherlands
Brazil Michelle de Oliveira Other Brazil
Brazil Patricia Kfouri Affiliation Brazil Estou iniciando na área da MTC e espero que possamos ter apoio e colaboração em nossa atuação profissional, pois é uma prática, assim como as demais que integram a medicina alternativa, essenciais para a humanidade, que tem vivenciado problemas sociais e emocionais que alteram toda a função energética do corpo e mente, levando ao desequilíbrio como um todo e às síndromes.
Brazil Mariana Lopes Borges Educator EERP/USP Brazil
Brazil ROBERTA LUZ Other Roberta Luz Brazil
Canada Carollyne Coulson Other Retired Canada
United States of America Stacey Johnson Other Come As You Are Substance Abuse And Mental Health Recovery Coaching United States of America
Brazil Samira Natascha Tschoeke Reyes Other Brazil
United States of America Christine Huston Other Assn. for Anthroposophic Psychology United States of America